
One of the key mechanisms of state support for the agricultural sector is concessional lending. In the history of post-Soviet Russia, preferential agricultural credit has evolved from quasi-market forms of subsidized support for the industry into a classic bank loan with interest bonification. Therefore, the identification of problems typical of modern mechanism of concessional lending in the agro-industrial complex is impossible outside the historical context and the general logic of its development, which determines the relevance and purpose of the study. The tasks of the study are as follows: systematization of forms and methods of concessional lending in the agro-industrial complex in the content and chronological taxonomy; identification of modern problems of the mechanism of concessional lending and measures for their solution. The article shows that two main stages can be distinguished in the evolution of concessional lending in the agro-industrial complex. The first stage (1992–2000) was characterized by the preservation of approaches typical of a centralized economy, which led to the actual substitution of credit relations with implicit forms of budgetary financing of the industry. At the second stage (from 2000 to the present), the main form of credit relief for farmers was the subsidization of interest rates for borrowers, and later for lenders. However, despite the fact that the main problems were solved and the market moved to purely market support instruments, the preferential loan still have many problems, the main of which are the duration and complexity of the procedure, the lack of differentiation of requirements for borrowers, absence of seasonality understanding and operational specifics of agriculture, limited areas for the use of allocated funds, insufficient budget financing. The mentioned problems of preferential loans in the agro-industrial complex are the basis for further research in the field of its modernization and development.

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