
The article analyzes some legal aspects of state policy in the field of agricultural development. The subject of the study is the legal norms regulating state policy in the field of agriculture. The purpose of the work is to analyze international and national legislation and formulate conclusions and proposals based on this analysis to improve regulatory legal regulation in the field of agricultural development in our country. The research was conducted using general scientific, private and special methods, such as induction, deduction, synthesis, analysis, analogies, formal legal and others. The relevance of the study is connected with the development of the most important issue - the achievement of the country's food sovereignty. The article analyzes the provisions of the new Strategy for the development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes for the period up to 2030, where a serious emphasis is placed on import substitution as one of the key guidelines for the development of Russia. It seems obvious that it is necessary to continue improving regulatory legal regulation and strategic planning in the direction under study. To ensure the average annual growth rate of the agro-industrial complex at the level of 3%, as planned, it is necessary to identify growth factors and introduce new or expand existing mechanisms of state support. We consider the adoption of the Strategy to be one of the most important steps in the implementation of state policy in the development of agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex, but work in this direction continues. The key result to be achieved is the sustainable development of agriculture. The author notes the intensification of work on the implementation of the Russian scientific and technical program for the development of agriculture and promising areas of state policy.

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