
The article deals with the concept, content of professional and job development of the personnel of the enterprise, the features of labor activity in the modern economy, key elements and forms of professional and job development of personnel. Negative accents in the personnel management system are noted, e.g. hypertrophied forms of personnel management under the guise of its development and mixing of management techniques without taking into account the employees' mentality belonging to the culture and traditions of the region of residence. The goals of the system of management of professional and official development of personnel are considered as follows: the effective and optimal placement of the personnel of the enterprise and the realization of the personal and professional potential of employees through career growth. Setting and combining these goals allow a more comprehensive and effective approach to the management of professional and official development of personnel. An algorithm for personnel management is presented, which is introduced in successive steps: process organization, planning, motivation, control. In the development of a management strategy (movement) of the personnel of an enterprise, the key elements are used that form a closed cycle. The forms of development of managerial personnel were compiled and analyzed and recommendations were given for building a management system for professional and official development of enterprise personnel, taking into account the main condition for success: alignment of personal career goals with the goals of the enterprise. The actuality of the construction has been substantiated and the key elements of a holistic management system for the professional and job development of enterprise personnel have been described, planning of the individual development of the manager being in the center of the system.


  • The article deals with the concept, content of professional and job development of the personnel of the enterprise, the features of labor activity in the modern economy, key elements and forms of professional and job development of personnel

  • Negative accents in the personnel management system are noted, e.g. hypertrophied forms of personnel management under the guise of its development and mixing of management techniques without taking into account the employees' mentality belonging to the culture and traditions of the region of residence

  • An algorithm for personnel management is presented, which is introduced in successive steps: process organization, planning, motivation, control

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Трудовая деятельность Особенности

Прогрессивная динамика: – умственный труд; – информатизация деятельности; – ответственность за результат. Социальная значимость труда: – обеспеченность работника благами; – уровень физического и психического здоровья; – психологический климат в коллективе; – условия труда [1]. Которые учитывают индивидуальные особенности работника, такие как принадлежность к тому или иному социальному классу, уровень психологического и физического развития, появились в 90-х гг. Прошлого столетия, они позволяют развивать индивидуальные способности и особенности работника. Приоритетным становится построение и управление карьерным развитием работника, в первую очередь управляющих кадровых работников. Управление персоналом, как и управление предприятием в целом, реализуется посредством выполнения последовательных этапов: организация процесса, планирование, мотивация, контроль. При разработке стратегии управления (движения) персоналом предприятия используются ключевые элементы, которые формируют замкнутый цикл При разработке стратегии управления (движения) персоналом предприятия используются ключевые элементы, которые формируют замкнутый цикл (рис. 2)

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