
During the intensification of production on fisheries complexes pressing problem was the search for new drugs and treatment strategies of imported fish. Impact on DC organism widely used in traditional medicine as a highly effective therapeutic method for activating renewable, regenerative and trophic processes in various damaged systems. Based humane medicine modern scientists are studying the impact of current small son on macro- and microorganisms. The possibility of exposure to blood - increased levels of white blood cells, total protein and enzymes is a promising direction in the research of the impact of current and electro-magnetic field. Because blood is a sensitive and informative indicator of the body, which quickly responds to the impact of exogenous and endogenous factors on individual species and to the fish population in general, and general performance and blood chemistry, are revealing. Where one of the key indicators is a protein factor. The aim of research was to study the effect on blood parameters of common carp under current conditions, the impact of low power. he aim of research was to study the effect on blood parameters of common carp under current conditions, the impact of low power. The study took place in the inter-district of state veterinary laboratory in the Korostishiv city. Fish kept in a separate room in the laboratory aquaria nominal capacity of 100l. Room temperature ranged from 20 to 24 o C. The water temperature was between 19-22 o C. The room was with fluorescent light. Serum samples of total protein and its fractions. Total protein serum were determined refractometric method, the amount of hemoglobin hemihlobin-tsyanidnym method, the value of hematocrit number - micromethod, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes by - cell microscopy Goryaeva, hemoglobin in one erythrocyte and average volume of red blood cells - calculation method orthocytosis - by microscopy. There was a fish processing low power electric current - voltage of 64V. Taken three groups of 10 fish species. The most optimal way of processing in which received a positive result was 3-hour treatment with an hourly break. In simultaneous shock when exposed for 24 hours was observed to reduce the number of white blood cells by 24%, and at the opening of the fish found necrosis of the liver. We discovered the increase of thenumber of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the red blood, also percent of hemoglobin in one eritrocite, differential white blood cell count shift to the right, increasing the number of eosinophils and lymphocytes, and reducing the number of monocytes one years age of common carps. In the study of the total protein was detected quantitative increase of protein fractions. It should be noted that the level of blood parameters of fish remained at the highest level for a long time (over 30 days). Studies have confirmed the use of electric current to stimulate hematopoiesis in fish while stimulating the body's defenses. These areas of research are promising because of the search for new drugs and treatment methods newly introduced fish under quarantine as an alternative to the use of antibiotic substances. Recommendations for the use of such measures and technologies can be and to reduce quarantine measures and, most importantly, to get a high-quality and safe products breeding.

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