
Currently, Russia faces the problem of improving the state economy and its transition to an innovative development path. The achievement of strategic goals and objectives of socioeconomic development depends on the innovative and technological state of construction as a fundamental branch of material production. Innovative development of construction is associated with three key areas: technologies, materials, and processes. The study addresses the main factors of stimulating and limiting the sustainable growth of this type of activity, explore the main trends of innovative development of construction based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience. The author analyzes the indicators of Russia’s construction industry for 2014–2018 and identifies the main problems that negatively affect the consistency of the innovation process It is concluded that the need for intensive innovative and technological development of the Russian construction complex is due to the need to solve many important socio-economic problems, including: insufficient provision of affordable, comfortable and safe housing for the population; a high level of wear and tear of municipal infrastructure; low quality of housing and utilities; the negative impact of outdated technologies on the environment; low productivity growth in the construction industry. Finally, the author offers a model of innovative development of construction in Russia’s regions based on qualitative feedback between different forms and levels of management for effective solutions and synergetic effect in the economy of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

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