
The article has been devoted to solving the urgent issue of developing a sound system of economic policy mechanisms to ensure the recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war. It has been emphasized that the post-war recovery should be based on a clear and comprehensive concept, in which the factors of sustainable development, green economy, and social inclusion must play a significant role. According to these factors and the system of reasonable principles for the development of the green economy in Ukraine, the author has proposed such the system of mechanisms: financial&investment mechanism, infrastructural mechanism, integration mechanism and innovation mechanism. The author assesses the investment&financial mechanism as being related to the crossborder movement of investment and credit capital, funds of official development assistance, as well as the introduction of tax and budgetary instruments to stimulate the green transition. The main elements of this mechanism have been proposed in the article. The article also provides an assessment of the infrastructural mechanism of the post-war development of the green economy in the context of the system of internal measures and tools aimed at improving the macroeconomic environment of business activities and effective management of green transformation processes. The author's list of relevant tools of this mechanism has been given in the article. The author emphasized that the integration mechanism of the post-war development of the green economy in Ukraine has been designed to ensure the formation of a coherent national and global green economy and the corresponding internal and external integration. The article offers relevant tools of this mechanism. Characterizing the innovative mechanism of the post-war development of the green economy, the author substantiates its leading role in ensuring the processes of green transformation as a key scientific and technical resource of post-industrial development. The author's list of tools that ensure the implementation of this mechanism has been given in the article.

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