
The article highlights the development of emotional components in interpersonal communication. Based on the analysis of psychological literature, the role of emotions in the development of interpersonal communication was clarified from the point of view of the significance of the emotional saturation of the statement. Scientists emphasize that accurate expression of thought, successful flow of communication, mastering of various methods of interpersonal interaction, differentiation of the situation is facilitated by the emotional function of speech, which is closely related to the processes of speech development. The results of psychological research were taken into account in the analysis of statements when identifying the levels of formation of the skills of older preschool children to convey their emotional state verbally. In the process of experimental training, it was essential to develop children's ability to empathize and support emotionally, to convey their emotional state verbally; maintain emotional stability during interpersonal communication. During the entire experimental training, such methods were used as conversations about different emotional states (joy, fear, sadness, anger); sketch exercises for expressing certain emotions with the help of mimicry and pantomime; distinguishing similar and opposite emotional states; drawing to the music of various emotional experiences and changing the content of the picture by mixing the color palette; reading fiction, determining the emotional characteristics of characters in fairy tales; composing stories on a given topic that reflect the child's emotional experiences; consideration of reproductions of paintings reflecting different emotional states; conducting integrated classes, which include the use of various types of artistic activity. The author established a thematic sequence of classes on the development of emotional components in interpersonal communication. We see the prospect of further research in the development of experimental methods for the development of emotional components in game activities. Key words: emotional components, interpersonal communication, preschool children.

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