The safety issues of new and modified foods and food supplements are currently important both in Ukraine and abroad. The adsorption properties of starch make it possible to use it as a matrix for immobilization of microorganisms contained in ferments for fermented milk products. To optimize the adsorption properties, the starch, was modified. The further usage of modified starch requires mandatory toxicological studies. An important part of the system of such studies is the research of acute toxicity of modified starch. According to the approved methodological guidelines experiments on the detection of acute toxicity of modified starch were performed on linear white mice. The study had an indicative and detailed phase during which the animals were administered intragastrically 500-1000 mg and 3000-6000 mg of modified starch per kilogram of body weight. When the detailed phase was over after anesthesia and decapitation mice’s blood was tested for glucose level and liver was tested for protein metabolism (aminotransferase activity and total protein complement). Mice were treated in accordance with the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Animals. It has been proven the injection of 500 to 5,000 mg of modified starch per kg of body weight did not cause any ethological or physiological disturbance among the laboratory animals during the firat observation day. When dosed with 6000 mg of modified starch per kg body weight during the first 24 hours of the experiment, mice had digestive disfunction. Throughout the observation period (14 days) the experimental animals showed stable vital signs; mice actively responded to light, touch, noise, and vibration. During the two weeks of the experiment, the maximum dose of modified starch did not cause the death of laboratory animals.Based on the results of the experiment, it was found that the modified starch belongs to low-toxic compounds (class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007). DL 50 for modified starch in mice is greater than 6,000 mg/kg. Blood glucose level, aminotransferase activity and total protein complement in mice’s liver among the experimental animals were within the physiological standard.
The safety issues of new and modified foods and food supplements are currently important both in Ukraine and abroad
The adsorption properties of starch make it possible to use it as a matrix for immobilization of microorganisms contained in ferments for fermented milk products
An important part of the system of such studies is the research of acute toxicity of modified starch
According to the approved methodological guidelines experiments on the detection of acute toxicity of modified starch were performed on linear white mice. It has been proven the injection of 500 to 5,000 mg of modified starch per kg of body weight did not cause any ethological or physiological disturbance among the laboratory animals during the firat observation day. Перевірка гострої токсичності модифікованого крохмалю за використання лінійних мишей. Подальше використання модифікованого крохмалю потребує проведення обов’язкових токсикологічних досліджень. Важливе місце серед комплексу таких досліджень займає вивчення гострої токсичності модифікованого крохмалю. Експерименти щодо встановлення гострої токсичності модифікованого крохмалю проводили на лінійних білих мишах згідно затверджених методичних рекомендацій. У той же час не вивчено властивостей гострої токсичності модифікованого крохмалю на лабораторних тваринах.
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