
The study is devoted to the consideraton of the positon and role of Turkey in relaton to the events in Ukraine. It is concluded that the Turkish leadership sees the realizaton of Tur‑ key's natonal interests in carrying out actve mediaton in the negotaton process between Rus‑ sia and Ukraine. From the point of view of the Turkish leadership, Turkey needs to maintain a balance in relatons, on the one hand, with Russia, and, on the other hand, with Ukraine and the West. Turkey's posi‑ ton can be characterized as «benevolent neutrality». Despite President Erdogan's desire to keep Turkey «equidistant» from both Russia and the West (at least in the case of the situaton in Ukraine), the current situaton seems unsustainable. The West (primarily represented by the United States) will contnue to push Turkey to take rash steps against Russia. The reason for this may be the escalaton of tension in Nagorno‑Karabakh or North‑ ern Syria. Another factor may be the 2023 electons in Turkey, as a result of which a pro‑Western government (coaliton) may come to power in the country.

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