Introduction. The spatial structure of the landscapes of the North Caucasus has been fairly well studied to date, which cannot be said about the temporal structure. The climatic changes noted in the territory of the North Caucasus are undoubtedly reflected in the temporal structure of landscapes, which determines the relevance of this study, the purpose of which is to identify common features and characteristic features of the seasonal and year-to-year dynamics of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus. Materials and methods. To analyze the seasonal and year-to-year dynamics of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus, methodological approaches developed by L.N. Beruchashvili and V.V. Bratkov and tested by him for various territories. The analysis of the seasonal and yearly variability dynamics of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus was carried out on the example of mountain-hollow (Shatoy) and mountain-valley (Ahty) landscapes. In the Excel spreadsheet, the material was processed in three gradations: temperature regime, moisture regime and trends in the vertical structure. Processing was carried out using data (average temperature and precipitation) from the Shatoy and Ahty weather stations for the period from 1961 to 2020. On the basis of the results obtained, the seasonal and yearly variability dynamics of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus was derived in percentage terms. Results. The occurrence and correlation of groups of states over time periods, reflecting the conditions of heat and moisture supply, vary quite significantly, to which different groups of intralandscape vegetation react differently. However, in general, the temporal structure of the mountain-basin and mountain-valley landscapes of the North Caucasus is stable, and modern climate changes do not lead to the emergence of new states that are not typical for the analyzed landscapes. Discussion. The latest studies of the seasonal and temporal dynamics of the landscapes of the North Caucasus and its individual regions end in 2015. We continued this direction, because in our opinion, it is relevant and promising. Our study confirms the conclusions of the authors of previous years that, despite climatic changes, the temporal structure of mountain landscapes is stable. Conclusion. In the temporal structure of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus, the main share belongs to humid and semi-humid states in summer and nival in winter. The ratios of groups of states over time intervals within mountain landscapes change quite significantly. As a result, the conditions for the growth of different groups of vegetation change. So, with an increase in the proportion of cryothermal conditions, as it was in 1971-1975 conditions become less favorable for the growth of woody vegetation, but more favorable for the development of grassy vegetation of the steppe type. With an increase in summer humidity, which is manifested by an increase in the proportion of the corresponding states, and a simultaneous softening of winter conditions, during which the proportion of nival states increases and a decrease in cryothermal states, as was the case in 1996–2000, the temporal structure becomes similar to forest landscapes. Resume. An analysis of the temporal structure of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus showed that it is characterized by high stability. Despite the noted climatic changes, there are no prerequisites for changing the temporal and, as a result, the landscape structure of the mountain landscapes of the North Caucasus. Suggestions for practical application and direction for future research. The results of the study can be useful in agriculture to identify the relationship between certain conditions and crop yields and forecasting natural hazards (droughts, frosts, etc.).
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