
The article is devoted to the study of the conceptualprinciples of modernization of the state fi-nancial policy of intensification of investment activity.The article develops a concept of modernization of the state financial policy of intensification of investment activity in Ukraine, which is a synergisticunity of: mission, vision, values, theoretical foun-dations (object, subject, hypothetical assumptions, institutional demands, dominants of external influ-ence and foreign experience, trends in the genesis of domestic practice), methodological basis (concep-tual patterns, fundamental and praxeological principles), state and problems of domestic practice, practical recommendations for modernization and expected results. The implementation of the concept will ensure the improvement of the scientific foundations and the improvement of the domestic practice of intensification investment activity in Ukraine with the tools of the state financial policy, which will form the prerequisites for transforming the potential of the state financial policy from a stimulating functioning into a strategic power of the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy.

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