
Introduction. The relevance of the study of professional mobility of a teacher at a higher military educational institution is exacerbated by a rather rapid complication of the tasks of professional activity of teachers and a lack of cadets awareness of the need to acquire professional mobility in the process of professional training; the need for purposeful formation of professional mobility of specialists of higher education institutions.Purpose. It is theoretically possible to substantiate the peculiarities of the structure of professional mobility of a teacher of a higher military educational establishment.Methods. The following methods were used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, analogy in combination with induction to determine the theoretical foundations of the professional mobility of a military specialist, its formation in the system of vocational training; generalization and systematization of conceptual theoretical provisions.Results. It is determined that when determining mobility criteria, two aspects must be taken into account: professional readiness and readiness for an active reaction to problem situations, the individual’s ability to quickly predict and respond. It is proved that the degree of its integrity, that is, the unity of the personality qualities of a specialist, became the criterion for distinguishing the levels of readiness for professional activity of a teacher of a higher military school.Originality. The essence of the concept of "professional mobility" in relation to the content of the activity of the future teacher of a higher military educational institution as an integrated quality, manifested in the unity of key and professional competences; ability for autonomous professional activity, conscious and flexible management of personality resources, professional behavior; the structure, criteria, indicators and levels of professional mobility of future teachers of a higher military educational institution are highlighted.Conclusion. Thus, it can be noted that in the structure of professional mobility of a teacher of a higher military school, the following components are most often distinguished: activity, adaptability, openness, communicativeness, competence.

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