
The development of the information society involves the use of new pedagogical technologies and appropriate teaching methods. In this regard, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become the most suitable tool that can help people with different learning requirements to exercise their right to education, employment, social life and leisure, as well as access to information. The use of new technologies in education should enhance independence, integration, and equal opportunities for all. Thus, the problem of effective use of digital technologies in the process of organizing the educational process of people with special educational needs is relevant. The aim of the work was to analyze the features of the use of electronic educational resources in an inclusive educational environment. To do this, we used the method of analysis of special pedagogical literature and national standards. The article highlights the need to use electronic educational resources adapted for people with special educational needs in higher education institutions. Based on the analysis of scientific works and national standards of Ukraine, the use of conceptual and terminological apparatus is specified, as well as the main qualities and provisions for the development of EER for people with special needs are identified. Attention is also drawn to the fact that electronic educational resources require compliance with additional requirements. Accordingly, there is a problem of developing quality EER that could meet the individual needs of all individuals. The authors also draw attention to the difficulties and their causes that arise during the organization of e-learning for participants in the educational process (teachers, students, parents). It is substantiated that distance learning technologies provide equal rights for education and future profession to persons with special educational needs, which is especially relevant during a pandemic. It is determined that the main effectiveness of the use of distance technologies for training people with SEN depends on the methods and models of distance learning, and analyzed its main stages. Significant success of distance education in an inclusive educational environment depends on the means and interaction of participants in the educational process. The practical experience of using the Moodle distance platform in the process of organizing e-learning for people with special educational needs is summarized.

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