
Introduction. The development of the information and communication technologies (ICT) market creates the conditions for further growth of other sectors of the economy. ICT companies provide companies, individuals and government with software, Internet, mobile and fixed communications, and so on. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of the ICT market in the world and in Ukraine, to identify major trends and threats for further development of the ICT market. Results. The ICT market is one of the largest dynamically developing markets in the world. Research conducted by leading consulting companies in the world shows that after 2020, the market can grow from 13 to 33 trillion and the blockchain market to 3.1 trillion $. International Data Corporation emphasizes that digital technologies and solutions can reach 60% of global GDP by the end of 2022. The world leader in the number of ICT corporations is the United States, with headquarters of the 65 world's largest companies, 20 in China, Taiwan - 17, Japan - 14, South Korea - 6, India - 5 companies. The IT services market accounts for 0,5% of the global IT services market. In Ukraine there are 125 registered self-employed individuals that are used by large companies to optimize their tax burden. Income of such American ICT companies such as Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft significantly exceeds the size of the state budget of Ukraine, and part of the revenues from the ICT market occupies only 4,5% of GDP, which is clearly insufficient and is evidence of an economic development lag. Conclusions. The imperfection of domestic legislation, the lack of incentives for ICT organizations, the possibility to monopolize the market, the insecurity of the interests of individuals and private companies do not stimulate foreign investments in this sector of the economy. In spite of this, Ukraine has a great potential for its growth, for which it is necessary to develop a national concept and model for the development of the ICT market, to restrain the departure of specialists abroad, to ensure the implementation of the business-state partnership strategy, etc. Keywords: telecommunications market, IT market, telecommunications market and IT services, marketing research, investments, ICT companies.

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