
The article substantiates the relevance of studying the problem of professional stress resistance of specialists of socionomic professions. The content of the concept "professional stress-resistance" is explained. The article describes the procedure of the study with the use of the method of express diagnostics of the level of psychoemotional tension (O.Kopina, K.Suslova, E.Zaikin, 1995) and the Boston stress-resistance test.The paper presents the results of the empirical study of the features of stress and psycho-emotional tension among students of socionomic profile and working professionals. There were determined the common and distinctive features of stress resistance of future and working specialists of various socionomic professions.It is revealed that modern Ukrainian students from higher and secondary educational institutions have a high level of satisfaction with life, living conditions and basic vital needs. However, university students are more satisfied with life in general, but less with living conditions and the level of satisfaction of their basic needs compared with students in secondary education. Analysis of the survey data showed no statistically significant differences between genders. It has been found that students are more satisfied with their health, living conditions, and the level of satisfaction of their basic needs and life in general compared with specialists.By the level of psycho-emotional tension the study groups vary significantly: among students of institutions of higher education the level of psychosocial stress is significantly lower than among students of secondary education institutions. It was also found that the level of psychosocial stress is significantly higher among boys than among girls. It was revealed that working specialists are featured by significantly higher stress resistance in comparison to students.The results of the analysis indicate that stress is a professionally important quality of specialists of socionomic professions, and its formation is a prerequisite for effective professional activity.

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