
The article is conducted in order to analyze the constitutional and legal responsibility in the Kyrgyz Republic, with an emphasis on its features and conditions of implementation. According to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, every citizen is obliged to comply with the Constitution and the laws of the country, for violation of which various forms of responsibility are provided, including constitutional and legal. The article examines in detail the conditions for the implementation of constitutional legal responsibility, which include the presence of an unlawful act or omission, unlawful guilt, causal relationship between the unlawful act (omission) and the harm caused, as well as the presence of the guilty person of a constitutional obligation that he violated. The article also considers the specific features of the implementation of constitutional and legal responsibility in the Kyrgyz Republic, which are associated with the peculiarities of the national legal system, historical and cultural factors, as well as current legislation. The article is intended to promote a deeper understanding of the importance of constitutional responsibility in ensuring legal order and respect for the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.

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