
The article highlights the system of general musical education in the Republic of Korea, which developed in the nineties of the 20th century. The musical education in this country connects with the tradition of Confucianism morals, the family education, has the practical focus and based on the unity of mono-object and integrative approaches. The analysis of researches of foreign scientists and educational documents (namely, “The State Korean Musical Educational Program”) reveals that musical lessons and extracurricular work in Korean schools are aimed at the development of the pupils’ musical abilities (emphasizing the necessity of discovering the child’s leading ability), upbringing the respect for national musical culture due to involvement into different types of musical activities.The obligatory status of schooling subject “Music” in curriculum of Korean school for all levels – the primary (cycle chodyn hakkyo), the secondary (cycle chun hakkyo), the full secondary (cycle kodyn hakkyo) – is the representation of profound status of compulsory education in South Korea, which is an object of national pride for every citizen of this country. The music lessons and integrated classes have the aim to bring up the moral and ethical values, civil position, basics of etiquette about which the connection of subjects “Morals”, “Civil ethics”, the coordination of integrated lessons “Pleasant life”, “Right life”, “Sensible life” are testified. Meanwhile, the activity of Korean educational institutions is coordinated with the principle of variability, which manifests itself in ensuring the right of the teacher of music to “work at the discretion”.The harmonious development of a child, his involvement into the national tradition of music are realized through his participation in “musical specialization”, among them the choral singing, playing in the school orchestra of folk instruments, chamber-instrumental ensemble are popular. The basis of the musical literacy of pupils is provided through the assimilation of the fundamentals of the theory of Korean national music.

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