
Aim: To research the relationship between laboratory and instrumental manifestations of pathology and polymorphisms of inflammatory cytokine genes in patients with Opisthorchis felineus invasion. Design. During 2022, we conducted a comparative study of patients who were hospitalized for etiotropic therapy of O. felineus invasion. Materials and methods. 139 patients with O. felineus invasion were examined. All patients underwent clinical and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and liver elastometry with an assessment of liver fibrosis according to the METAVIR scale. Genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms of the IL28b, IL6, TNFA, and IFNG genes was performed using real-time PCR. Results. In patients with opisthorchiasis, liver fibrosis was associated with the presence of the minor allele A of the rs1800630 TNFA polymorphism and the TC genotype of rs2069705 IFNG. Polyps in the gallbladder were associated with the CC genotype of rs1800630 TNFA, while an increase in alkaline phosphatase and an increase in the proportion of eosinophils in the blood were associated with the CC genotype of rs2069705 IFNG. We did not find differences in the studied parameters depending on the genetic polymorphisms rs12979860 IL28b and rs1800795 IL6 in patients with O. felineus invasion. Conclusion. The obtained regularities should be used to increase the efficiency of dispensary observation in order to prevent the development of complications of parasitic invasion. Keywords: Opisthorchis felineus, single nucleotide polymorphism, cytokines, liver fibrosis.

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