착과량을 달리한 '후지'/M.9 품종에서 생육 최성기중 토양수분 변화에 따른 수액 이동 특성과 수체 생리반응을 조사하였다. 적정 착과는 적습 조건인 -50 kPa에서 VPD 및 최대증발산량과 비슷한 양상의 수액이동량을 보였으나 과다 착과는 -50 kPa 및 -80 kPa 조건에서 최대증발산량보다 낮은 수액흡수량을 보였다. 적정 착과는 모든 토양수분 조건에서 최대증발산량보다 일중 <TEX>$1.06{\sim}3.93L$</TEX> 많은 수액이 이동되는 특성을 보였고 과다 착과는 적정 착과보다 토양수분 -50 kPa 조건에서 21%, -20 kPa과 -80 kPa에서 <TEX>$31{\sim}36%$</TEX> 정도 낮은 수액 이동량을 보였다. 착과 처리에 따른 신초생육과 엽면적은 적정 착과 처리구가 다른 처리구보다 유의성 있게 높았으나 과다 착과 처리구는 가장 낮았다. 적정 착과 처리구의 엽수분포텐셜은 다른 처리구에 비해 모든 토양수분 조건에서 가장 낮아서 수분소모율이 가장 높았다. 따라서 '후지'/M.9 품종은 적정 착과량 유지와 더불어 생육성기 중 적습조건을 유지하는 것이 수액이동을 고려할 경우, 증산효율을 높이는데 바람직할 것으로 판단되었다. This study was conducted for 10 days from 17 July to 26 July in 2005 to measure the amount of xylem sap flow under short-term variation of soil moisture regimes at -20 kPa, -50 kPa and -80 kPa in eight-year-old 'Fuji'/M.9 apple trees with different fruit loads. Fruit load was adjusted as three different treatments with standard (100%), 1/2 times (50%) and 2 times (200%) on the basis of optimum fruiting number per tree as the standard fruit load of Fuji cultivar. Trees with standard fruit load during the experimental period showed higher xylem sap flow at -50 kPa of soil moisture regimes than those of trees with 1/2 times and 2 times fruit load. Trees with 1/2 times and 2 times fruit load had similar patterns of the diurnal changes of xylem sap flow, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and maximum evapotranspiration (ETm). However, trees with 2 times fruit load at -50 kPa and -80 kPa of soil moisture regimes produced lower amount of xylem sap flow than ETm. Trees with standard fruit load produced <TEX>$1.06{\sim}3.93$</TEX> L/tree more amount of xylem sap flow than ETm at all soil moisture regimes. But xylem sap flow of tees with 2 times fruit load had 21% lower at -50 kPa and <TEX>$31{\sim}36%$</TEX> lower at -20 kPa and -80 kPa of soil moisture regimes, respectively than that of trees with standard fruit load. Shoot growth and leaf area were significantly the highest in trees with standard fruit load while those of trees with 2 times fruit load recorded significantly lowest. Leaf water potential of trees with standard fruit load was lower than that of trees with 1/2 times and 2 times fruit load. It indicated that tees with standard fruit load had higher water use for transpiration than other treatments and tees with 2 times fruit load received more stress for the transpiration process under low soil moisture regimes. Consequently, 'Fuji'/M.9 apple trees, the fruit load and soil moisture should be maintained optimum to increase xylem sap flow and transpiration during higher growth period.
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