
The article examines basic lexico-grammatical categories of modality, temporality and personality contributing pragmatic functions in political direct email genre. There is the lack of research that has explored the language means forming these categories in the new multimedia genre of political discourse. The study aims to identify common to all genres of political media discourse and specific to political direct email genre lexico-grammatical means of expressing modality, temporality and personality. The data of research are lexical and grammatical units used for representing modality, temporality and personality in the political direct email genre by continuous sampling method. This study is based on the methods of contextual and linguo-pragmatic analysis. The main types of modal meanings in political direct email genre are necessity need, should), obligation (must) and possibility (may). The credibility of the statement is ensured by the derivative modal words really, clearly, truly. In the political direct email genre reference to the present and future tenses is expressed both grammatically (the present and future tenses) and lexically (lexical markers ‒ today, now, still). Other lexical means of conveying temporality are direct temporal nominators (time, year, month, week, hour, by age of …, deadline + date ) and indirect indicators of temporality (once, soon). in political direct email genre. Personal pronouns represent a number of pragmatic purposes: create a positive image, express personal opinion, show the significance of being involved in the events, exclusion of the addressee from the mentioned events, indicate special achievements and institutional identity, express ‘other’ opinion.

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