
The features of the distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the green mass of Betula nana (dwarf birch) shrubs in the territories of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District exposed to anthropogenic load are considered. The relative concentrations of the elements Ni, Cu, Cd, Mn, Zn, Pb in the green mass of shrubs were determined. Elements (Cd, Ni, Mn) with abnormal concentrations in the studied green mass of the conditionally background territory, relative to the clark content in land plants, were identified. The anomalous content of cadmium, zinc and manganese in the Betula nana green mass is characteristic of all the considered areas with increased anthropogenic load, and high concentrations of copper and lead were also found in the area of the unpaved highway near Yar-Sale. Pb has the highest concentration coefficient in the area of a dirt road (11.81), Cd accumulation is most characteristic for the Betula nana cenopopulations near the Obskaya-Bovanenkovo railway (2.4), the highest concentration coefficient for Zn (14.24) was found in the area of the Salekhard-Aksarka highway and GTPP-3. The nature of the distribution of heavy metals from sources is also investigated, among the studied elements, the most distant transfer is characteristic of manganese, and cadmium and copper, on the contrary, are deposited on the territory adjacent to the sources. Conclusions are drawn about the main ways of heavy metals getting into the environment in the region.

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