
The proposed article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of Professor Trinyak Mykola Hryhorovych. It presents biographical information and highlights his personality as a doctor, inventor, and innovator in the Bukovinian State Medical University. Scientific novelty. In addition to the main stages of the way of life, pedagogical and creative achievements of the scientist, his work as an inventor and innovator was firstly investigated here. The attention has been given on the main directions of his research: the influence of hyperbaric oxygenation, hypoxic-hypercapnic composition of air on the organism, clinical and physiological substantiation of different application of procedures of medical physical culture in the clinic of internal diseases and in sports. The main innovations related to the isolation of endogenously pure surfactant from the lungs, the treatment of respiratory organs, the determination of arteries and venous oxygen difference in the retina of the eye, the use of regulated breathing techniques for improving the physical fitness of athletes and their recovery in case of overtraining and other . References to his scientific and inventive activity in domestic editions, interest of foreign colleagues are shown. Methodology. Biographical and systematic methods of analysis, methods of historical review. Source base is such as : professor's personal archive M.H. Tryniak, his scientific publications in leading medical journals for his time, periodicals of the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, the Central Research Institute for Patent Information and Technical and Economic Research. Conclusions. Mykola Trynyak is a tal-ented, hard-working and purposeful scientist, whose creative biography demonstrated true devotion to the treatment of people. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications, 6 monographs, 2 textbooks, 40 innovative suggestions and inventions, 4 author's certificates of the USSR, 6 patents of Ukraine and the Russian Federation patent. His scientific developments, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment are implemented in practice. Some of them became textbooks and included in the textbooks of medical and pedagogical institutions of higher education. Inventions of the scientist have gained widespread international recognition. Organizational abilities, efficiency, efficiency, wide informational and encyclopedic, intellectual horizons, high self-discipline, demanding to themselves and to those around him, combined with human attitude to them, received M. H. Tryniak's deep respect among the faculty, staff members and students.

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