
The current results of the financial and economic activity of most Ukrainian industrial enterprises testify to their struggle for survival, based on the possibility of satisfying the limited demand of the population, the need to preserve the personnel and the most effective use of the available resource base. Innovative activity has a clear tendency to decline due to underfunding and increased pressure from foreign competitors and in the domestic market. The study is aimed at clarifying the changes taking place in economically developed countries in the process of implementing Industry 4.0, with further specification of the safety principles for ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. In order to consider the safety principles of ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the terms «fourth industrial revolution» and «Industry 4.0»; synthesis and analysis – to characterize the innovative activity of Ukrainian industrial enterprises; morphological analysis – to clarify the nature of the changes taking place in the industrial sector of economically developed countries, and outline the essence of the obstacles inhibiting the technological transformation of Ukrainian industrial enterprises; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. In economically developed countries, the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution is taking place, which is based on comprehensive robotics and automation with the widest possible use of digital technologies. The development of the Industry 4.0 concept in the leading countries was designed to provide favorable conditions for improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. The ability of most Ukrainian enterprises to carry out technological transformation is limited not only by the lack of investment resources, in the absence of state support, but also by the course of processes associated with: deindustrialization of the national economy; a critically high share of the shadow economy; the current status of Ukraine as a donor country in relation to labor migration. The difference in the operating conditions of Ukrainian and foreign industrial enterprises deepens the technological lag with the loss of competitive advantages of domestic producers. The priority of changing the state policy regarding the development of high-tech industrial production in order to avoid increasing the threat and regarding the country’s competitiveness is substantiated.

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