
Neglect of marketing tools and the lack of a clear strategic guideline when promoting a product create negative consequences for most industrial enterprises in Ukraine, which raises the issue of demonstrating how a successful marketing strategy can significantly affect the finances of such open socio-economic systems. The main purpose of the article is to present an approach to reflect the positive financial consequences in the activities of an enterprise from a successfully implemented marketing strategy in the industrial products market. The object of the study is the activities of industrial enterprises. The scientific task is to show what positive impact the implementation of a successful marketing strategy has on the financial aspects of the activities of an industrial enterprise. The research methodology involves a combined approach in the use of general theoretical methods and mathematical and econometric methods to form models and solve problems. The main result of the study is the formed model of the impact of the implementation of a successful marketing strategy on the activities of the enterprise. This model focuses on the financial aspects of activity and is distinguished by the fact that it demonstrates the financial effect for industrial enterprises of a successful marketing strategy. The practical value of the results obtained is revealed in the presentation of the significance of the marketing strategy for improving the financial performance of industrial enterprises. The study has a limitation and does not take into account the process of forming a marketing strategy itself, but only its implementation.

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