
The article discusses the development of ecological tourism in the Polish Tatras and the Ukrainian Carpathians. Eco-tourism in the international tourism industry is developing rapidly and starts taking an important place in the world tourism market. According to scientists and experts in this field - eco-tourism is going to be developed fast without slowing down. Such trends have a positive impact on the economic development of countries and saving natural tourist resources. Particular attention is paid to the national nature parks of the Ukrainian Carpathians and Polish Tatras. They form the basis for the growth of ecological tourism and preservation of natural environment. The research of the territorial and functional organization of tourist activities in the Polish Tatras was made from the standpoint of development of the territory, tourist routes and especially legal support. It is noted that ecological tourism is allowed in nature reserves in Poland, but there are very strict restrictions. In particular, it is forbidden to use auto-moto transport, set up tents, set fires, pick berries and mushrooms, etc. Nature reserves employees pay special attention for tourists to obey the rules and their proper behavior. In case of breaking rules, tourists are immediately punished with large administrative penalty. The current condition of mountain ecological tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians is also learned. Comparing to ecotourism in the Republic of Poland, where everything is regulated and controlled, in Ukraine the recreational load increases every year. The nature of the Carpathians is negatively affected by illegal new types of recreational services, including jeeps, ATVs and motorcycles. In addition, there is a permissive atmosphere in the Ukrainian mountains. Tourists can set up tents and campfires, swim in mountain lakes and much more almost anywhere. All this will lead to destruction of the Ukrainian Carpathians. This situation is making scientists, environmentalists, public and people of tourism industry of Ukraine to be on guard. Under such conditions, the gene pool and the attraction of mountain areas are going to be lost. There are proposed methods based on the use of foreign experience to minimize the negative impact on the natural environment of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

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