
The article deals with the influence of organizational and economic conditions for the formation and functioning of agricultural enterprises on the processes of diversification of activity. Among the organizational conditions, the greatest impact on the diversification process has an existing organizational and legal form of business entity, its size, level of development of specialization and cooperation of production, material and technical base, organization of labor. Economic conditions include investment support and resource potential of the enterprise, state support, insurance, taxation, lending, pricing, cost and level of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. In modern practice, the functioning of the agrarian sector of the country's economy and regions. There are several directions for the formation of production and economic structures. However, the processes of optimizing the forms of agricultural activities are still continuing, which determines the need to study the processes of formation of optimal sizes of agricultural enterprises, organizational, normative and legal and scientific provision of their functioning and development. The dynamics of development of organizational and legal forms of management in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, capital investment in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, production specialization and sizes of agricultural enterprises are investigated. The assessment of the investment on the results of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine is expanded. Proposed directions of realization of investment projects in the context of promoting the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The study of organizational and economic conditions of agricultural enterprises in Khmelnytsky region showed that the main producers of agricultural products are agricultural enterprises. The share of their products is more than 60%, of which one tenth of the products are produced by farms. The share of their products is more than 60%, of which one tenth of the products are produced by farms; The most powerful component of the crop industry in the region was and remains grain farming, which fully ensures the food security of the region. The activity of agricultural producers during the study period was profitable, which was facilitated by state support in terms of creating a favorable investment climate, subsidy policies and preferential taxation of performance. Khmelnytsky region has significant potential for organic production, export and consumption in the domestic market. The main tasks of tourism development in Khmelnytsky region are the formation of a tourist and recreational complex that would meet the needs of the population in sanatorium treatment, recreation and tourism; formation of a market of internationally competitive recreational services based on the efficient use of available natural and cultural-historical resources while preserving the environment, attracting the maximum number of tourists to the region, increasing revenues, including foreign exchange, to local budgets, maintaining a clean environment.

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