
The purpose of the article is generalization of the research results of scientists of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy" to improve the theoretical foundations of economic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas, as well as the development of economic foundations for the formation of agricultural policy in Ukraine. Research methods. In the process of research, depending on the goals and objectives, a number of general scientific and special methods were used, in particular: theoretical generalization - to substantiate the theoretical and methodological provisions of the economic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas; a complex of general logical methods - as the main methodological toolkit for scientific research; monographic - when defining the essence and implementing a methodological assessment of organizational and economic conditions and the logic of development trends in certain areas of the agricultural sector and rural areas; analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison - in the study and generalization of modern experience and identification of promising priorities for improving the theoretical and methodological support for the economic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas in Ukraine. Research results. A scientifically substantiated analysis of the research results of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics" for 2016-2020 with the systematization of developments that form the methodological basis for the implementation of a promising nationally identical model of economic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas, taking into account the priorities of achieving competitiveness and sustainability. Scientific novelty. Fundamentally new foundations and scientific and methodological approaches in priority areas and substantiation of mechanisms for ensuring effective economic development of the agricultural sector of the economy and rural areas in the context of expanding self-government, decentralization of public administration and development of entrepreneurship have been developed. In particular, the theoretical and methodological foundations of substantiating an innovative model for the development of rural areas and the agricultural sector of the economy have been improved; new approaches to increasing the competitive advantages of domestic agri-food products on world markets in the context of global challenges and international integration of Ukraine, proposed a Ukrainian model of agricultural land turnover, a conceptual vision of the development of family farms. Practical significance. The research results are aimed at creating favorable institutional conditions for conducting economic and entrepreneurial activities in rural areas (regulatory and competitive policy of food security, liberalization of access to product markets and production factors) and ensuring the development of the social component of the formation of state policy in the development of rural areas; strengthening of various forms of integration relations of economic entities in rural areas and their adaptation to the requirements of European agrarian and business law; improving property relations, optimizing property relations and increasing the competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures; ensuring the formation of a system of market turnover of agricultural land and its infrastructure; strengthening the income base of the budgets of rural communities. The developed recommendations will help to build up export potential and increase budget revenues, increase the level of consumption of the population, form an economic mechanism for greening agricultural lands; elimination of problem institutions that restrain the increase in the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of the economy and the development of agrarian entrepreneurship; introduction of a scientifically grounded model of fiscal regulation of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy, which will have a positive effect on the well-being of rural residents and provide a resource base for solving social problems. Refs.: 29.

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