
In recent years, there has been a permanent reform of the system of bodies and institutions of criminal punishment, by determining the place of such bodies and institutions in the system of state institutions, amendments to legislation to bring it in line with the best international standards. At the same time, the problem of providing information to the work of penitentiary institutions has remained unresolved for a long time, which was ineffective due to the lack of a centralized electronic register of persons serving criminal sentences. A significant positive step towards solving this problem was the formation of a register of convicts and detainees. A special achievement of such an information system was the introduction of automated programs to assess the possibility of recidivism by persons serving a criminal sentence on the basis of static and dynamic factors. At the same time, the implementation of this system has not solved the problematic issues of information and analytical support for combating crime in prisons, which identifies this problem as relevant for research at the present stage. The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for the formation of operational units of places of imprisonment of a separate module of operational purposes and its structural construction. The result of the author’s study of this issue is the analysis of the implemented algorithm for assessing the risks of recidivism by persons serving a criminal sentence, in particular, static and dynamic factors are analysed in detail. The directions of use of the specified module by operative divisions of penitentiary institutions are defined. The necessity of introduction of a separate module of operational purpose into the practice of work of operative subdivisions of penitentiary institutions and inclusion of the following databases in its structure is substantiated: subjects of increased criminal influence; individuals seeking to build a criminal career; groups of negative convicts; criminogenic influence of will; operational and investigative work. The grounds for accounting for information about a particular convict in the relevant database are identified, as well as the content of each of them is described.

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