
The modern world, as well as the business culture of our society, is filled with the ideologies of "successful success" and "inevitable luck". These ideologies are repeated in all media spheres and have become almost mantras. Everyone strives to be successful, to grab "luck by the tail", and the most successful sell trainings and books in these areas. The notion of "success" and the attribution of results to "luck" (good fortune) depend on cultural factors and social norms. Ukrainian business culture is shaped by historical experience, ideologies and aspirations. The purpose of our work is to identify the essential features of the social phenomena of success and luck, to differentiate them and to provide a schematic functional meaning. The concepts of "success" and "luck" have important cultural and social psychological significance, especially in the context of modern business culture. The issue of social practices is important both for personal self-realisation and for the development of Ukrainian society. It is important to recognise that social and national progress depends on the individual achievements of citizens. Given the constant changes in people's value system caused by the transformation of Ukrainian society, the study of the influence of ideologemes on the formation of personal strategies for achieving success and luck is becoming increasingly relevant. This research paper explores and compares the meanings given to these concepts within business culture. The article provides a conceptual search for the causes and impact of the phenomena of success and luck on the "brain drain", i.e. the emigration of highly skilled and educated people from one country to another.

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