
The current stage of education development is characterized by the influence of globalization processes. They largely define changes in educational policy: the emergence of new problems and challenges that require international cooperation; the development of cooperation and competition in the implementation of educational policy; and the internationalization of education. Higher education should be a thorough preparation for life in a multicultural European society, and should provide the opportunity to realize the freedoms guaranteed by the European Union. Having launched integration processes in the field of general, higher and professional education, the European Union became one of the leading world centres of education, which largely determined the trends and directions of the development of the education system in modern conditions. Understanding the peculiarities of the construction and functioning of the educational space of the community is important for the participants of the educational process inside and outside the EU. At the same time, such an element of education as its content requires the most radical modernization, since it is the content of basic education that forms the foundation and opportunities for improvement of training programs for future specialists, determines the level and quality of higher education. The competitiveness of the higher school with other social institutions is conditioned by the innovative nature of education at the current stage. Since higher education at the current stage should also become attractive for investment, it is necessary to ensure the efficiency of the educational process of higher education institutions, transparency of financial flows and independent assessment of the quality of knowledge. Therefore, when reforming higher education at the current stage in the countries of the European community, the priorities of preserving the diversity of national education systems are taken into account, while solving the problems of international cooperation, mobility, employment of students in the European or international professional space, international competitiveness of higher education institutions.

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