
Modern trends in the development of industrial sector of economy in the Bryansk region are consi-dered. It outlines positive tendencies and dynamism of today’s changes. The factors determining the competi-tive advantages of the region industry are given and among which - a professional higher educational insti-tution - FSBEI HE "Bryansk State Technical Universi-ty". It works closely with the industrial enterprises in target personnel training and carrying out urgent scien-tific research. Here a number of training centers and research laboratories are formed.
 Continuation of the existing tendencies and further dynamic development of the industry is undoubtedly connected with the enterprises interaction development of the real sector of economy, science and education. Development of strategic partnership and cluster interaction can serve it. It will make it possible to increase educational programs conformity with employer requirements, provide practical market orientation of research and development and strengthen resourcing of scientific and educational process. 
 Project management training is important for spe-cialists of industrial sector of economy; having studied the bases of it together with profile disciplines the graduate will be a suitably qualified entrepreneur capa-ble to carry business independently.

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