
The authors propose a method for the assessment the energy effi ciency of soil cultivation machines for forming seedbeds and ridges when growing potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and other vegetables, taking into account the relationship between agrotechnical and energy indicators. The paper describes the results of comparative fi eld tests of tillage machines with diff erent working tools for the same type of technological processes. It is advisable to use the indicator of the unit power consumption, referred to the average diameter of soil clods. The indicator of specifi c power per average clod diameter for the FGF-1 rotary tiller amounted to 4.0...4.3 kW/mm, for the GPK-2 rotary tiller – 3.3...4.3 kW/mm, and for the KG-1 ridge cultivator – 2.6...3.2 kW/mm. The required power for operation of the cultivator with passive working tools at the maximum possible speed is 5...15% lower, however, the GPK-2 and FGF-1 tillers with active working tools demonstrated higher agrotechnical indicators. For cutting ridges on pre-planting treatment of loamy soil of a medium and heavy mechanical composition, it is recommended to use a rotary cultivator FGF-1, for cutting ridges – a rotary tiller GPK-2. On pre-planting ridging and post-planting inter-row cultivation of light loamy soil the KG-1 tiller with passive working tools is a more preferable solution

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