
The article is devoted to the study of negative trends in the political and socio-economic development of Ukraine that arise in government. The author seeks answers to topical questions: Why is the economic situation in Ukraine in a state of depression? Can government officials think strategically? How to find ways to overcome negative trends in economic development? Why do the qualitative characteristics of the elected deputies not meet the requirements for candidates for positions in government? What can science offer to correct the situation in the electoral system? What science can solve a set of problematic issues regarding the assessment of the quality of strategic managers? The analysis of the level of economic development of the country confirms that it is the representatives of the legislative and executive branches who are not able to find the necessary innovative ways for Ukraine to get out of the depression. The ways of innovative development of Ukraine that will promote its civilized entry into the commonwealth of European countries are substantiated. Civilized is a worthy entry of a worthy country on mutually beneficial relations. The results of the analysis indicate the need to implement a new project for the training of managers-strategists, developed at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Such training of specialists in strategic management should be taken into account in the methodology of integrated quality assessment of candidates in the structure of legislative and executive power. The author proposes new approaches to changing the basic principles of forming the electoral system, which may affect further changes in the quality of the management elite, which requires high professionalism, decency and patriotism. The article considers the possibilities of transition to a higher degree of democracy – meritocracy and the need to develop a methodology for integrated assessment of the quality of management staff, taking into account the laws of environics. Emphasizes the need for strict accountability of corrupt managers for the negative consequences of their decisions and actions that led to the collapse of the economy and impoverishment.

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