
In the era of global changes caused by innovative technologies and values, the problem of intercultural and interethnic dialogue of ethnic communities is of particular relevance. Interethnic dialogue is the achievement of a high culture of different peoples and ethnic groups in the name of preserving peace on Earth. Globalization has contributed to the parallel development of conflicting trends in ethnic and national cultures. It is globalization in the sphere of spiritual culture that means the complete displacement of all other cultures by mass culture. Mass culture becomes the main obstacle to the preservation of national culture and is widely spread with the development of communication systems. The influence of mass culture on the national culture and its dominance is observed in the traditional culture of each nation.Ethnic culture is a prerequisite of modernization, which at the same time retains elements of the traditions of the ethnic group. National culture has a special psychological appeal for its representatives, which is manifested in the preservation of national identity and meets the emotional and spiritual needs of a person and is therefore necessary. The development of national cultures does not negate universal values, and this in turn implies mutually beneficial intercultural and interethnic development. Thus, this article examines the features of intercultural dialogue in the era of globalization and some trends in interethnic relations in Uzbekistan.

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