
Goal. To compare the effectiveness of 5-, 3-, and 4-field crop rotations in terms of their ability to reproduce the fertility parameters of typical chornozem and to form a high level of productivity and agroecological and energy efficiency for the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, agrochemical (to sample and determine the total humus in the soil layer of 0–30 cm), statistical calculation (to justify the reliability of the results and develop statistical models of correlations), agro-economic and energy (to determine the economic and energy indicators of different crop rotations). The research was carried out on the Drabiv experimental field in a stationary experiment, which was established in 1967 and included 29 different crop rotations. Results. Between the accumulation of energy in humus and fodder units, and the output of fodder units in crop rotations, the correlation was at the level of R=+0.45…0.48±0.02, and per unit of growth of energy in humus accounted for 0.017 t/ha of f.u. and 0.11 GJ/ha. For a long-term crop rotation, between the content of humus and the output of f.u. a direct correlation R=+0.45…0.50±0.02 was fixed, R2=0.21–0.25; and between the content of humus and the energy intensity, the correlation was direct at the level of R=+0.50…0.51±0.01, R2=0.25–0.27; per unit increase of humus content was 0.5 GJ/ha, which was 1.97 and 1.93 times less compared to short-term crop rotations. Between the sequestered in the humus C–CO2 and the output of f.u. a direct correlation R=0.51…0.52±0.02 was fixed, R2=0.27–0.28, and per unit value involved in humus C–CO2 accounted for 0.017 t/ha of f.u. Similarly, between C–CO2 in humus and the energy intensity of f.u. the correlation was at the level of R=+0.53…0.54±0.02, R2=0.28–0.29; and per unit value involved in humus C–CO2 accounted for 0.098 GJ/ha of energy in f.u. Short-term crop rotations had higher sequestration capacity and productivity. Conclusions. The use of 3-, and 4-field crop rotations leads to a decrease in their sequestration capacity, the output of fodder units, as well as a lack of net profit. But at the same time, their energy efficiency increases, and the technological costs for growing the component crops of crop rotations decrease with the provision of stable productivity over time compared to 5-field crop rotations.

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