
The article reveals the conceptual foundations for the formation of Ukrainian youth national identity during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the theoretical aspects of national identity formation are highlighted. Attention is paid to the fact that an interdisciplinary approach allows identifying the problems of national identity formation, related to both the need to outline the value and meaning content, as well as the risks of informational, political and military confrontation. The article emphasizes that the question of the formation of Ukrainian youth national identity during social changes, military operations and value crisis acquires meaningful content, because the actualization of the historical and cultural heritage and national processes is imposed on the axiologically heterogeneous and fragmented modern socio-cultural space. The difficulty of forming the national identity is that it consists of social, economic, political and cultural signs of Ukrainian unity, represent the national space, without denying the right to reproduce other identities. Special attention needs to be paid to the creation of common socio-cultural space as a horizontal solidarity of society, based on the dominant values of national identity. It was found that an important basis for the further reproduction of Ukrainianness in Ukraine and abroad is spiritual heritage and national traditional dimensions, which form the basis of the national existence of Ukraine and allow to feel a constant connection with the Motherland.

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