
The article is dedicated to Yuri Aleksandrovich Konkin, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russia. After graduating with honors from the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of Moscow Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrifi cation (MIMESKH), Yu.A. Konkin came a long way from an assistant, associate professor, and professor of the Department of Farm Production Organization to Rector of Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineering named after V.P. Goryachkin – a leading university for the training of highly qualifi ed engineering personnel. Yuri Konkin as an enthusiastic inborn organizer, a talented teacher, and a scientist, actively tried to improve the quality of teaching economic subjects while training agricultural engineering specialists. About 80 DSc and PhD theses have been defended under the supervision of Academician Yu.A. Konkin, the founder of the scientifi c school on the depreciation and service life of equipment, the restoration and renewal of the machinery fl eet, the economics of agricultural machinery repair. Many of his students later became professors, key experts in the fi eld of agricultural economics. The creative legacy of Yuri Konkin contains more than 200 scientifi c works and study manuals. His scientifi c and pedagogical activity was marked by seven government awards, including the Order of the Badge of Honor, four gold medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, “For the Success Achieved in the Development of the National Economy of the USSR.”

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