
The underestimation of ecosystem services that exists today is explained by the complexity of the value expression of its various functions and interrelationships. Naturally, it is impossible to fully determine the economic value of nature, since the value of goods irreplaceable for life tends to infinity. At the same time, the value indicator of these benefits in a market economy is a determining condition for financial support for the preservation and self-reproduction of natural ecosystems. In the context of the formation of global markets for ecosystem services, the prospects for the ecological and economic assessment of specially protected natural areas are great. Such assessments should become mandatory for the regions and be taken into account in their development strategies. This also applies to the territory of Tunkinsky National Park, located in the Republic of Buryatia, which has become an object of mapping. Based on the concept of total economic value, the component and aggregate values of the cost of direct use of a number of services of the national park were calculated. The information on the nature and use of natural resources in the study area served as the basis for ecological and economic calculations. A map of the natural-territorial complexes of Tunkinsky National Park was compiled, the analysis of which made it possible to get an idea of the distribution of the main natural-territorial complexes within the study area, as well as to determine their areas. The assessment of direct ecosystem services was carried out based on the productivity of biological resources for a number of species of animals, fish, wild plants, as well as recreational and pasture resources. The assessment of indirect services is calculated on the basis of carbon sequestration by forests and swamps, filtration capacity of swamps. The conducted ecological and economic assessment and its visual display on the maps of the studied territory can help in the development of ways to optimize nature management, which will contribute to the careful use of natural resources, diversification of its structure in order to preserve the ecological framework of the territory, ethnocultural and landscape diversity.


  • Белорусские ученые считают, что «существующая на сегодняшний день явная «недооценка» природы объясняется сложностью стоимостного выражения ее разнообразных функций и взаимосвязей

  • The underestimation of ecosystem services that exists today is explained by the complexity of the value expression

  • irreplaceable for life tends to infinity

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Численность соболя на его территории находится на стабильном уровне и составляет 1050 особей. Что одна шкурка соболя стоит в среднем 10 000 рублей, то общую стоимость добытых шкурок можно оценить в 2,6 млн руб. Что можно добывать 20 % от общего числа популяции, общая стоимость добычи шкурок белки будет равна около 324 тыс. Общую стоимость добычи косули сибирской можно оценить в 250 тыс. Учитывались: цена 1 кг мяса в среднем 350 руб.; средний вес одной особи около 15 кг, мясная часть стоит примерно 5 тыс. Руб., стоимость мускульной железы одной кабарги составляет около 80 тыс. Что общую стоимость добычи можно оценить в 1,3 млн руб. Общий доход от охоты на территории национального парка можно оценить в 5,4 млн руб.

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