
In this article the features of the research on the process of professional growth of a specialist were speci0xFB01ed according to the analysis of contempo- rary psychological and pedagogical works. The phenomenon of professional development in the paradigm of ratio­humanistic psychology of George Ball was revealed. The author’s own scienti0xFB01c position (taking into account ana- lyzed ideas of ratio­humanistic psychology) was substantiated, within which it was necessary to study the process of professional development of a specialist in accordance with conditions of obtaining higher professional education and in the process of future professional activity. It was noted that the relevance of the problem raised in this research was also determined by the fact that if one considered the professional growth of a person in the paradigm of a ratio­humanistic approach, then, in the fore- ground, there were not only processes of personal development, but also the transformation of the value­semantic foundations of our life, the mechanisms of life self­determination, etc. It was stressed that these problems were also very urgent because the ratio­humanistic paradigm required the search for axiopsychological methods of scienti0xFB01c analysis, which was prerequisite for scienti0xFB01c explanation of the changes that took a main place in the develop- ment of the person as a result of the movement of cultural, economic, socio­ political context of people’s existence. It was determined that ratio­humanistic psychology operated with the concept, which in science was described as «the world of a concrete person». The latetr was understood by the author as a «ransitional layer» between objective and subjective realities. Without understanding and recognizing that we permanently are close to having knowledge of the mechanisms of selectivity of mental re0xFB02ection, the way to understand the mechanisms of the emergence and functioning of human consciousness, which are the basis for professional growth of the person. It was noted that the process of professional growth of a future specia­ list was considered as the development of personal potential and resources of the subject that would promote self­development and self­realization in the paradigm of universal culture, taking into account the speci0xFB01c conditions of the professional activity in the process of mastering and reproduction by a specialist professionally meaningful norms and values.

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