
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the significance of Stanislavski’s system as the methodological basis of the art of stage impersonation. The research methodology was based on the principles of consistency, using the analytical, classification, historical and typological methods of research. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the analysis of Stanislavski’s system as the methodological basis of the skill of actor’s impersonation of an artistic image. Conclusions. K. Stanislavski created a practically and scientifically grounded theory of actor’s stage impersonation known as Stanislavski’s system, which formed a number of generations of talented actors and directors in Ukraine and abroad. The transition of an individual into the psychic reality of another person, the short process of identification with the one, and the temporary fulfillment of their social and role functions are the essence of impersonation. The success of this process is connected with the actor’s emotional experience of their role, which is determined by the personality of the actor themselves, their attitude to the truth of life onstage, specific super-tasks for the realization of a certain action, the proposed circumstances of the role and the play, the collective nature of theatrics in general, which is objectified in the actor’s creative activity both as a performer and as an actor.


  • Цель работы – обосновать значение системы К

  • The research methodology was based on the principles of consistency, using the analytical, classification, historical and typological methods of research

  • Stanislavski created a practically and scientifically grounded theory of actor’s stage impersonation known as Stanislavski’s system, which formed a number of generations of talented actors and directors in Ukraine and abroad

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