
The article describes the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the definition “professional competence”. The main normative documents (professional standards and standards of higher education) and legislative acts to ensure the training of future specialists in the social sphere in the formation of their economic competence are identified. It is stipulated that the practical preparation of the future social specialist for social protection of various groups of the population, in particular social security, requires the formation of economic competence.The author’s vision of interpretation of economic competence of social specialists in terms of necessary knowledge, acquired skills, a set of opportunities and abilities in the field of economic knowledge for effective professional activity in the field of social services, social assistance and social work in general. The constituent components of economic competence in the training of specialists in the social sphere are described: motivational, cognitive, procedural and personal.The cognitive component is highlighted as the most important, which reflects the rationale for the role of knowledge in the formation of economic competence. It is substantiated that the formation of economic competence of the future specialist in the social sphere takes place in higher education institutions within a holistic pedagogical process in the study of specialized socio-economic disciplines (“Economic foundations of social work”, “Economics of social work”, “Social economy”, “Social protection”). And through the use of such methods of organizing educational activities as business games, situational tasks, development of socio-economic projects. It is established that the necessary role in the formation of economic competence in the training of a social worker is played by his knowledge of the determinants of social security as the main form of social protection – state social standards and guarantees. A brief description is given on the basis of legislative acts and the established size of the subsistence minimum as a state social standard and minimum wages and old-age pensions as the main state social guarantees.

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