
As a world power, Russia is China's largest neighbor and plays a special role in strengthening my country's international communication capabilities. Russia's reports related to China have both positive and negative content, but the viewing angle is more practical and objective. China's image is rarely distorted, belittled, and vilified by political bias and ideological divisions. The overall image of China and China in the international arena The role is positive. Media reports are mainly political and economic news, with a particular focus on information on political and economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia. What are the tendencies in the attitude of the Russian media towards China? How does society and theory view the situation in the trilateral relations between Russia, China and the United States? Are there any new trends in the perception of China's image by political elites and ordinary people? What has been causing concern about China in the Russian media lately? What direction are the media and think tanks showing on the burning issues of the Sino-Indian border conflict? These problems reflect Russians' perception of China's image, are related to the effectiveness of my country's "telling Chinese stories" and external communications, and also reflect the development of Sino-Russian relations and the level of my country's influence in the international arena.


  • For citation: Ayibota Shahety, Analysis of attitudes toward china in different types of Russian media reports

  • Russia's reports related to China have both positive and negative content, but the viewing angle is more practical and objective

  • What are the tendencies in the attitude of the Russian media towards China? How does society and theory view the situation in the trilateral relations between Russia, China and the United States? Are there any new trends in the perception of China's image by political elites and ordinary people? What has been causing concern about China in the Russian media lately? What direction are the media and think tanks showing on the burning issues of the Sino-Indian border conflict? These problems reflect Russians' perception of China's image, are related to the effectiveness of my country's "telling Chinese stories" and external communications, and reflect the development of SinoRussian relations and the level of my country's influence in the international arena

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For citation: Ayibota Shahety, Analysis of attitudes toward china in different types of Russian media reports. Отношение трех основных СМИ России к Китаю Чтобы понять, как средства массовой информации отражают отношения Китая и России, мы обратимся к некоторым печатным изданиям. «Российская газета» высоко оценила сотрудничество между Китаем и Россией на международной арене: «Будущее развитие китайско-российских отношений открыло новые возможности» [1, с.

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