
The authors carried out a study of the mechanisms of “social inclusion” of women – political career as an integral phenomenon of public life, a key marker of equal chances of political participation, the movement of society to achieve gender equality in society. Women in politics continue to be underrepresented, so conducting a comprehensive and comparative analysis is relevant and in demand. A comparative method is used to assess the opportunities for women’s political careers in Russia and Germany. Such an approach made it possible, using comparable statistical and sociological information, to solve the issue of determining the national specifics of the socio-cultural space for each country that affects the career trajectories of women in politics. The social and legal foundations of building a political career in the mentioned countries are presented as important factors of an institutional nature. It is noted that international documents have significantly influenced the policy of countries in matters of gender equality and contributed to progress in the status of women in society, while there are fundamental distinctions in the legislative acts of Russia and Germany. Biographies of certain modern women politicians and their career path are analyzed according to the following parameters: involvement in the ruling elite; level of education; experience in politics; balance between family life and work; the performance of job duties, which allowed to confirm and concretize the main conclusions of the study

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