
Introduction: the procedure for connecting consumers’ property complexes to electric networks has changed since July 1, 2020, and is being implemented electronically. This procedure simplifies technological connection and conclusion of power supply contracts. The author aims to reveal the legal mechanism of the organization of energy supply in electronic form. Methods: the methodological framework for the study is analysis, synthesis, comparison, modeling; the formal legal method is used. Results: based on the analysis of the legislation, the procedure for organizing energy supply in electronic form is investigated and recommendations for its improvement are given. Conclusions: as a result of the study, the obligation of network organizations to install metering devices is determined regardless of the technical readiness of property complexes for electricity consumption. This leads to the obligation to re-install metering devices in cases of theft or malfunction. The author proposes to amend the current legislation in terms of ensuring commercial accounting after consumers complete the construction of facilities. This mechanism will prevent the growth of tariffs for electric power transmission services.

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