
Verbal-pictorial hybrids are peculiar semiotic entities where the components of the verbal and pictorial sign systems are blended in such a way that they form an indissoluble entity and, thus, double their functional yield. Verbal-pictorial hybrids are kinds of сreolized (polycode) texts in which the convergence between verbal and pictorial components becomes the strongest and their formation is conditioned by the use of the same visual information transfer channel which is shared between both the written speech and images. The category in question includes calligrams, ASCIIart, pictorial puzzles, graphemic emoticons, specific forms of the graphic metaphor, marketing communication products (advertisements, logos) and all these give rise to a new unique category in the linguistic and semiotic studies. Verbal-pictorial hybrids belong to different discourses and genres and can be classified in accordance with their innate properties: antecedence/ subordinance of verbal and pictorial elements and, also, in accordance with the extent to which one of the semiotic dimensions loses its properties after becoming part of the hybrid entity.

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