
This article is devoted to the problem of communication and creative activity at the foreign language lessons in the theory and practice of secondary school education. The authors consider some aspects of the development of communicative-creative thinking in the process of foreign language learning and communicative-creative technologies in teaching foreign languages ​ ​ as a goal-setting aspect of their research. Examining the methodology and scientific approaches, we clarify the psychological and pedagogical conditions for organizing communicative and creative activities while learning the English language. This involves the use of active teaching methods and a learner-centered approach during foreign language lessons. The key findings include a detailed description of the authors' use of collage and interactive “speaking” postcard technologies perceived as forms of art technologies aimed at fostering students' communicative and creative skills and enhancing their proficiency in foreign language communication. The conclusions drawn from the research are substantiated by its originality, and the value of the obtained data is predominantly of an applied nature. The practical significance lies in the potential wide adoption of the methodology developed by the authors in real-life foreign language teaching scenarios. Future research endeavors will focus on publishing the obtained results in professional journals and presenting the developed methods to the academic community through participation in scientific-practical conferences and similar events.

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