
Relevance. Currently, digitalization has affected all aspects of life, all sectors of the economy. One of the priority areas for the development of the world economy and Russia in particular is the introduction and effective use of digital technologies in industry. Thus, the digital transformation of industrial enterprises is becoming an urgent area of scientific research. At the same time, insufficient attention has been paid to the selection of priority areas for the digital transformation of industrial enterprises based on multi-criteria methods, which led to the choice of the research topic. The purpose of the study is to use multi-criteria methods to select the direction of digital transformation of industrial enterprises. Objectives: to substantiate the relevance of the digital transformation of industrial enterprises, to identify priority areas (alternatives) for the digital transformation of industrial enterprises; apply multi-criteria methods to choose the direction of digital transformation of industrial enterprises; identify the priority area of digital transformation of industrial enterprises. Methodology. In the process of the study, general scientific methods of logical and statistical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as methods of multi-criteria choice, such as the Churchman-Ackoff method, Polygon of alternatives, "Pattern" were used. Results: identified priority areas (alternatives) of digital transformation of industrial enterprises; the methods of multi-criteria choice were applied in practice - the Churchman-Ackoff method, Polygon of alternatives, "Pattern"; As a result of practical testing of multicriteria methods, the priority direction of digital transformation of industrial enterprises was revealed. Conclusions: the practical application of multicriteria methods made it possible to identify the priority direction of the digital transformation of industrial enterprises, the consistent implementation of which will allow direct and indirect effects of digitalization of industrial enterprises.

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