
Abstract. Introduction. This article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the ideas of sobornist’. The author tries to rethink this concept in terms of the interpersonal communication theory, carries out an overview of the existing views in the Ukrainian and Russian literature on the phenomenon of sobornist’, reveals its historical, philosophical and theological context. The purpose of the article is to give an interpretation of the content of the idea of the sobornist’ as a phenomenon of dialogical communication and to describe the possibilities of its mental representation. Methods used: comparative, dialectical, historical and phenomenological analysis. Results. The thesis is based on the artificial nature of the opposition between the Eastern Christian (Orthodox) and the West Christian (Catholic) ideals of social unity. Originality . Considerable attention has been paid to the discovery of differences between traditional interpretation of sobornist’ as the unity in diversity and understanding of unity as a dialogical interpersonal connection, which inspire the apparition of the third person with its inherent transcendence and inferiority. In addition to this the sobornist’ is not identical with total unity, and even to a certain extent, is its opposite, antipode, because it relies on a completely different soil. One of the basic existential prerequisites for the emergence of the sobornist’ is the hypostasis, the personality – the ability to maintain independence from things, while remaining one of them. The next prerequisite of the sobornist’ is the ability of a person to build his relationship with the Other as a neighbour, as with You. The third factor of the sobornist’ is the ability of the persons communicating to put such existence, which is more valuable than their personal, and their common existence, or more precisely, the otherness which E. Levinas denoted as the lexeme other than being. Conclusion. The sobornist’ is impossible outside of interpersonal, it is its deontological correlator, which expresses the uniqueness of the personal way of being, finds its reflection in the concept of dialogue.

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