
Background. \e article focuses on the notion of love from the standpoint of Christian psychology and anthropology as well as on its impact on the change in existential meaning of life and interpersonal relationships. Such an attributive principle of life as “living with love” is considered in the context of the existential meaning of being, professional activity and interpersonal relationships in line with the concept developed by Professor Elena Olegovna Smirnova. An understanding of the concept of “life with love” is presented and the main properties of Christian love in the existential paradigm of relationships are indicated. Objective. \e main aim of the study was to analyse life and professional work of the famous scientist, Professor Elena Olegovna Smirnova, from the standpoint of Christian love as the meaning of being in the existential paradigm of relationships. Results. It has been shown that love, considered from a Christian position, changes a person as a personality. \is process includes change in the attitude towards other people as well as towards oneself, and also gives a special meaning to life. It is asserted that life with love is life with God in soul, with the joy of life and with the desire to make this World a better place for close people and humanity as a whole. Life with love is an understanding of the meaning of your life and gaining strength of mind for the responsible implementation of your mission, as well as a state of calm happiness, silence in the heart and peace of mind. Conclusion. \e results obtained made it possible to show the psychological representation of the lifestyle and professional creativity of the outstanding scientist E.O. Smirnova in accordance with the attributive principle of Christian love “life with love”. \e study also demonstrates the possibility to ]nd new meanings of life and relationships through Christian Love.

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