Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the appropriate level of state support for the agricultural sector in the context of strengthening its economic security. The purpose of the article is to reveal the organizational principles of state support for the agricultural sector, analysis of its effectiveness. Results. The importance of ensuring the appropriate level of state support for the agricultural sector in terms of strengthening and economic security further development has been substantiated. The forms of state support for the agricultural sector have been considered in the article. The programs with the help of which the state support for the agricultural sector is carried out today have been analyzed. The dynamics of state funding of individual programs to support domestic farmers has been studied. The period 2010-2019 there was a constant underfunding of the planned amounts of state support for the agricultural sector. The negative dynamics of activity indicators of the agricultural sector enterprises since 2015 has been revealed, which was caused by the imperfect mechanism of state industry support. The results of the program implementation of financial support of agricultural producers in partial compensation of machinery and equipment cost of domestic production have been studied, as well as the analysis of the programs of cheaper loans in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Conclusions. It has substantiated that one of the main tasks for today is to develop a normative document that will determine the key aspects for further strengthening the economic security of the agricultural sector and will be a part of Ukraine's agricultural policy. Thus, the development of the Strategy for the economic security development of the agricultural sector will determine the main directions for further industry development and create an effective mechanism for managing the economic security of the agricultural sector. One of the key areas of strategy implementation should be: ensuring sufficient state support for the agricultural sector, its permanent implementation and affordable conditions, further expansion of state support, as well as increasing its volume to the necessary limits; as well as the formation of financial and credit support for the agricultural sector development on an institutional basis.
The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the appropriate level of state support for the agricultural sector in the context of strengthening its economic security.The purpose of the article is to reveal the organizational principles of state support for the agricultural sector, analysis of its effectiveness
The development of the Strategy for the economic security development of the agricultural sector will determine the main directions for further industry development and create an effective mechanism for managing the economic security of the agricultural sector
Механізми державної підтримки та сектору, що створює умови для збереження і регулювання галузі мають спиратися на такі економічні подальшого відтворення ресурсного потенціалу, важелі та інструменти: податки, кредити, субсидії, гарантує продовольчу безпеку, сприяє розвитку гранти тощо [3]
The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the appropriate level of state support for the agricultural sector in the context of strengthening its economic security.The purpose of the article is to reveal the organizational principles of state support for the agricultural sector, analysis of its effectiveness. Васільєвої [4], програми розвитку аграрного сектору економіки на Товаровиробників за напрямом часткової компенсації рівень підтримки за методикою Організації вартості техніки та обладнання вітчизняного економічного співробітництва та розвитку становить виробництва, а також проведено аналіз дії програм до 20 % вартості випуску продукції сільського здешевлення кредитів у аграрному секторі України. 1 надано інформацію про заплановані і фактичні обсяги державної підтримки аграрного сектору у 2010-2018 рр.
Published Version
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